
I had quite the week, a few weeks back.

I started off that weekend heating a hotdog, waaaay too hot, took a bite, and burned a piece of the roof of my mouth that lasted almost another week. Here is what it looked like after 5 days.

I kid you not; it got worse from the photo above.

Anyway, that’s all gone now, just a bit of a glossy feeling still, but shouldn’t be any more trouble.

It’s been overcast, and cool here the last few days, so I took some time to download free fall wallpapers for my iPhone, and the iPad Pro Max I’m using. Fall here is nothing like it is in Iowa, for sure.

My favorite for this year.
NOTHING like this down here.
I would love to go wherever this photo was taken.

The leaves fall, but the plethora that don’t are still green, and lush. Most of the trees here maintain their leaves all year long.

It is much cooler, though, at night, and even into the afternoon. In fact, we both wear thermal pullover shirts all day long now. Even if I’ve done something magical to work up a sweat, except when exercising, I leave on the thermal.

I love every minute of cool, or cold weather I can get!

Not much else to tell you right now. So, until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.