Yet, another gardening day

For the past few days, I have kept Liz from coming down to help me clean; she, and Gabi have a cough, and, I want them to rest, and not pass along their coughs to us.

That said, I have had to do all of the cleaning myself. That means, in case you could not figure that out for yourselves, I sweep, and mop as needed. Dusting, in my estimation, is not a necessary activity, especially while one is in quarantine. We have lived all of our adult lives, Ivan, and I, in the presence of dust; a bit more is not likely going to kill us.

You may be interested to know that, while I was unable to sleep the other night, I started on the repotting of most of the still-living plants, here in the apartment. Yes, we still have living plants. Do not be cruel.

Yesterday was the culmination of said repotting. I spent most of five hours, slowly repotting the small succulents that still needed permanent homes. I found the little pots with attached saucers that I had purchased months ago, as well as the smaller terracotta pots, and had at it. Here are the results.

Ivan happened to find an old friend, who is now keeping his flippers on their plastic container, sitting guard. I was going to say he was keeping his eyes on them, but he is looking up at the shelf above him. Silly frog.

Clockwise, from the back, tall spiky plant, which is a Zebra Haworthia, next is a String of Pearls; in front, is, what I believe to be a Greene’s Liveforever. Around the corner, is the Aeonium Haworthii “Kiwi”, (it came away from the parent plant, the one in the back bedroom, while repotting it,) and the back left, is some type of Kalanchoe.

In the photo below, are the recently repotted, 1) Aeonium Hawarthii “Kiwi”; 2) the Orbea Variegata; 3) Anacampseros Retusa; 4) Escheveria Ronyonii (Topsy turvy); 5) I believe this may be a Sedum Morganianum, or Donkey’s Tail. It is a sedum of some sort.

At home.
These are the ten pieces I cut off of the large one that is now in the foyer. Each one has at least one new offshoot at its roots.

The other neat thing I did was to divide all of the Sansevieria offshoots from their parent plants, and repot them all. The three pots on the left are all of the offshoots.

Four pots on the right are the parent plants, while the three leftmost are the offshoots.

In the above photo, the tallest plants, in the back pink pot, will be transplanted as soon as I can gather the energy to do so. Not right now.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.