
Wow! I have gotten so much work done today. It was amazing.

I waited until Ivan went to the store with Jesús, about two fifteen this afternoon, then got started. I just finished, and it is about eight o’clock in the evening. Long, but productive day.

Of course, I always listen to an Audible book while I am working, so that helped. I started out putting in a load of laundry in the washer, then, sweeping and mopping all of the floors. I have to confess, that when they are clean, white, and sparkling, I get so neurotic about any little piece of anything that I can see on the floor. I was telling Ivan, when he got home, that I cannot even think about what was on the floors up North! The floors there are medium brown, and could hide a multitude of what not. Yuck.

After that, it was on to moving some of the bigger plants from Jesús and Lizbeth’s room, out to the living room, after ginving each a big a gulp of water. Several of the leaves on the Xanadu, and the Diffenbachia are turning brown, sunburn is my diagnosis. Hopefully, out in the living room, they will have enough, but not too much sunlight. Ha! Famine to feast. Just have to pay attention to each plants needs.

I am finding, though, that drier is best. I am spraying the new succulents, not watering them, for now. They all look great, though it has only been a week. I am hopeful.

I dumped all of the kombucha from in the fridge last night, then both of the large containers today. I have kept both of the SCOBY’s, as well as some of each batch, to make a fresh batch tomorrow morning, and a second batch in three weeks. Doing it that way, we will have alternating batches, not both batches being ready at the same time. Five gallons is way too much for us to drink, especially if it does not taste as good as you would like.

I also fed my sourdough starter, for the first time since June! I am in the mood to start baking again, since it not quite so warm in the afternoons anymore. Plus, I miss the time it takes to actually make the dough.

I will be using the sprouted Einkorn wheat, however, it needs to be ground, then sifted, and that is a big job in itself.

Oh, I made black beans too. I forgot those. They smell so good, and I love the flavor of them. I made a truck load but will send a big part of it upstairs with Jesús.

So, make beans, sweep/mop the apartment, move the larger plants, water said plants, three loads of laundry, (wash/dry/fold; I need to save the put away until tomorrow!), get rid of kombucha, make new starter. I think that is enough for one day.

Plus, my book finished about ten minutes ago, and I do not want to start the last book of the trilogy until tomorrow morning.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.