
What a week for politics.

First thing, former President Donald J. Trump was found guilty of 34 undeclared, completely fictional charges, with sentencing to follow on July 11th. What a joke. The entire world is laughing at the US right now.

Then, we woke up yesterday morning to discover that Mexico had its first female president, Claudia Sheinbaum, who won with over 60% of the country’s vote.

Unfortunately for me, I know nothing about her as I didn’t realize the magnitude of the election that took place. I thought it was for Governor as all of the signage was for Jefe or Jefa de Gobierna. That was a big mistake.

Anyway, that’s why we couldn’t buy any alcohol over the weekend; it was a Presidential election. Duh!

I’ll try to follow both presidencies, and let you know how either, or possibly both, go along.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.