
There has been a howling wind all day today.

It went quite nicely with the torrential rains.

Unfortunately for the folks dwelling in this village, (puebla), it put a very big damper on their religious festivities. Evidently it was the feast of the adoration of the child king. I can’t find it anywhere in my internet searches, but it has been a definite celebration.

The fireworks, read intermittent bombings, began last night, just after midnight, so, actually, it was today. Music, all kinds of very wet festivities, that never let up, except during the torrential raining episodes.

Did I mention that this all happened just in front of the house here? I’m not sure if that was considered an honor or torture. As neither of us has slept in days, for us, well, to be perfectly honest, it was mostly fun.

Being here allows us to be so much more relaxed, comfortable, at peace. Tranquil is the word that best describes us while we are here.

Enough for now. Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.