Who’d a thought?

I have started, in the past couple of weeks, at night, while I’m trying to go to sleep, to have complete conversations, in my head.

In Spanish.

Yup. You read that correctly.

In Spanish.

It has taken me 3 years to have this ability; one that I have waited for for years, and years. Now, it is with me.

All in thanks to Jesús, and Liz. They talk to me in Spanish every day, unlike someone else we all know, and love.

I have conversations, in my head, with any number of people; family members, in-laws, people that I don’t even know. Everything, however, is in Spanish.

When I get to a word which is unfamiliar to me, or I just don’t know, I’m stuck. Do I get up, and look it up, or do I wait until the morning, (afternoon), and hope I can remember what I was trying to think of?

I always wait until the next day.

I never remember the word I was trying to say, but, oh well. Maybe someday, soon I hope, I will be able to have a complete understanding of the Spanish language.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves. (Mantenerse feliz, saludable, y seguro. Lávense, cúbranse, y protéjanse.)

Post script: felicidades a nuestro hijo. El tiene 44 años de edad en este día de hoy.

One thought on “Who’d a thought?”

  1. Hi Diana!
    I officially retired today! 😊 Dr. Wayne stopped by the potluck they gave for me, and said that Dr. Virdi recently had a subdural bleed. He had been in the hospital in RI, but she said now he is in Iowa City. She didn’t know any other details or how he is doing, but I thought you might like to know…

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