What’s up?

Thanks for asking.

I have been cleaning. Yup. You read that correctly; cleaning. Down, and dirty type, spring type, deep cleaning.

Now, I’m done.

I have been filled with an exuberant amount of energy these past few days, so, instead of sitting, for hours, in front of my laptop, mindlessly surfing the proverbial web, I started

Wait. You’d better be sitting down when you continue reading; it may make some a bit faint.

I started sweeping, and mopping the floors, in all three bedrooms, bathrooms, living room, kitchen, and laundry areas. Three days running.

Yesterday, I pulled out the dryer, then the washer, and cleaned behind them both; repaired the aluminum tubing for the dryer vent, (it was torn, and crimped); and, broke the hose to the cold water supply for the washing machine. Oops! It was a busy afternoon. 😉

Yikes! All of the dust, and dirt that was in the middle of the floor, in the photo, was on the bottoms of my feet. Yuck!

Fortunately, Liz had come down with a bit of dinner that her mom, Alicia, had made. I needed another set of hands; working hands. She jumped in, and helped me with the hoses, and, got Ivan’s attention, requesting that he quickly order another pair of hoses for the washer. (They are going to be here today.)

In my defense, with regards to breaking the water hose on the washing machine, the connection from the hose to the spigot, was not done properly, and I was simply trying to “fix” it. The “guys” had cranked them on the spigot, but they were not on the correct threads; they were crooked. I tried to make them rethread, and, snap, one piece actually broke off on the hot water hose connector, and the cold water hose was just “not right”. I ended up pretty much mangling that one.

Said broken piece.

No worries. Everything is nice, and clean behind, and beneath both machines; good for another two years, I suspect. Plus, I finished washing clothes the day before, so I can sit back, relax, and wait patiently for the hoses to arrive.

We have lots happening today, so I won’t keep you any longer. While we are waiting for groceries to be delivered, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.