What I did on my summer vacation. by Diana Cavazos

Does that not take you back to grade school? Wow.

I remember, with horror, being instructed, at the beginning of many a new school year, to write an essay about all of the things we did on our summer vacation. Ugh!

First of all, an essay? I could not fill up a page of what I had done, (not like now 😉 to save my life. Gosh. How things change after fifty plus years, huh? Now, you cannot shut me up. Hahaha.

This year, for my “vacation”, I got to clean, divide, and store cilantro. Yes, you read that correctly; cilantro. Himself bought three large bunches of cilantro from a green grocer close to us, as he wants to make a cilantro “paste”, and freeze it, in olive oil. When we want to cook with it, we can just pull out a cube of the above, and use it as it is needed; it retains its freshness.

I volunteered, (I really did), to do all of the above. Hold on a moment. I need to clip my fingernails. I am making too many mistakes. Be right back.

Funniest thing; I did about a dozen other things, before cutting my nails. Go figure. Me? Well, of course. I did the other things first because I kept forgetting why I went to the back of the apartment to begin with.

Let me show you, quickly, the process to which I refer.

Large bunches of cilantro, complete with roots.

These have all been washed, disinfected, and dried. Now, I just need to separate the plants from their roots, and take out the spoiled leaves. No big deal.

So pretty. And the aroma!

This little bit took only a short time, but that was only the beginning. The drainer seemed to have no bottom to it.

The discards.

Some leaves still look alright, but, at this point, I no longer cared. It was very much like shucking two dozen ears of corn. Towards the end, if you notice that there is still silk on the ears, then, there is. Take it off yourself!

A thing of beauty.

Here is the finished product. Beautiful, it is. Smells even better, it does. (Yoda. Anyone? Really?) I gave it a final rinse, and spin, in two batches, in the salad spinner.

Do not know if you know this, so I will pass it along, in case you are not already taking advantage of the process.

To use a salad spinner correctly, place your greens, that you want to wash, and spin, in the basket of the spinner first. Place the basket back in the bowl of the spinner and fill with water. (Here is when we add a disinfectant to water, allowing it to sit in the water for about fifteen minutes.) Swish the greens up and down, and around, as you want, for the amount of time you feel is needed. (Here, it is about fifteen minutes.) Lifting the basket, with the greens, out of the bowl, dump the water, if you do not need to wash more greens. Replace the basket in the bowl, add the spinner top, and spin away.

Simple? Yes, and all of the yuck from the greens has now been deposited on the bottom of the bowl, and can be discarded. Here, most veg is brought in from the fields, then, directly to the stores; no washing done prior to its sale.

Hope that helps someone.

So, that is what I did the other day; the day of mega cleaning. I thought you might be interested.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.