What a weekend

It was fast, this past weekend; too fast for our liking! One cannot have everything, however, now can one?!

We spent a quick Saturday evening, into Sunday afternoon at Los Altos again. This coming weekend is their annual fair, and, it looks like it should be fun. Some of the rides were already setting up, on a street we needed to pass through, no less. No big deal. There are several streets through which we can pass. And, we did.

We brought home some lovely veg from the family “shop”. Raymund, and his wife, Maria, Jesús’s parents, sell veg from a small store on the top floor, in the front part of their house. We brought carrots, (zanahorias), zucchini, (calabaza), spinach, (espinaca), limes, (limones), and, tomatillos, (the small green tomatoes, used for salsa verde). I am going to make a cream of veg soup today, or tomorrow. But, first, I am going to wait to see how much energy I have today. Truth to tell, it is overcast, and I can definitely see myself tumbling back into bed sometime later this morning. As you already know, sleep is an illusion for some of us, so we take it when we can get it, however long it lasts.

So, while I am napping, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: the plants are loving the electric sunshine. Everything is looking happy, and healthy. We hope you are, too.