What a soup!!

I made the Sopa de Col con Pollo today, (Cabbage with chicken soup).

It is amazingly good. I had to add quite a few things to it for it to have any flavor that we would enjoy, and I wrote down all of the things I added.

Originally, it had only cabbage, obviously, onion, garlic, carrots, celery, and tomato sauce. Boring.

I added quite a bit of sautéed mushrooms, spinach, epazote, oregano, marjoram, and fennel, and it has taken it to an entirely different level. Fortunately I made a large batch, so we will be able to eat it for another day, or so. While the newly arrived tomatoes are maturing, we will eat this soup, or at least I will. Then I will freeze some, and make another different soup with some of the tomatoes. I’ll let you know.

I might take a photo of this soup, not sure. I’m not sure it would be that appealing to you folks, but the taste, as I said is fantastic. A great start to cooking delicious, and healthy foods.

It doesn’t look nearly as good as it tastes.

Normally, for us, because I have never been a very adventurous cook, we have eaten anything that will fit in a tortilla. Seriously. I can heat up a mean can of soup, but could never get a homemade soup to have any flavor. Now, I’m learning how to do just that; make food that tastes good, and is good for us. Amazing what fresh veg can do for a meal.

My weight is slowly, and surely going down. Each morning I get up, go to the bathroom, then weigh myself; now without trepidation. I actually look forward to it, as every morning, for the past few mornings, it is a welcome sight. The numbers keep going down, down, and down. Yay!

I also have to tell you that I am rarely hungry, and know that I can eat anything I want to at any time. When I have a little hint of hunger after any meal, I can go to the kitchen, and get an apple, or blueberries with yogurt, and not have to have potato chips with dip. Quite freeing I must say. The choices have become endless.

That’s all I have to tell you about my progress. Soon I will tell you about the herb garden I’m going to start. It’s so different planting things here, in containers, without direct sunlight than when we were in Iowa, with an entire backyard full of sun, and space. But I am determined to try. I believe, once they are established, I will take them upstairs, to the rooftop, and check on them every day. Hopefully, Liz, and I will be able to cook with fresh herbs in the not too distant future. Until then

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.