What a laugh

So, last night, being a Saturday, we got to have a few drinks.

After our first drink, President brandy for Ivan, and 100 Años tequila blanca for me, he decided he wanted a cigarette. (He had an old pack that he bought more than 6 months ago, when we were still drinking with more regularity. I’ve kept them in the fridge, well out of sight.)

I went to the kitchen, got him the cigarette, lit it, and took it to him.

He took one drag off it, and started choking.

We both laughed for minutes.

What most of you won’t know is that I smoked 2-3 packs daily for at least 35 years before I quit. After that, I had a few cigarettes, occasionally, when drinking heavily, but nothing substantial.

I had 2 drags off it, gave it back, and he put it out.

That was that. Won’t have to do that again anytime soon. Guaranteed.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.