What a day

It started early, today did. It usually does, however. The older we get the shorter the night, the earlier the morning.

Today, however, I have “put up” a dozen bottles of Kombucha, fermenting for a second time, with pineapple; a vat/cauldron, (you can decide), of boiling black beans, almost done; laundry folded, awaiting being put away. (It can wait, as far as I am concerned.)

Watered some of the plants that needed watering, and gazed, again, at all of the new little succulents appearing before my very eyes.

Patience. That is all that is needed when growing succulents; something I do not really have, in abundance, or in spades. Let me show you what I am saying.

The new Aeonium “kiwi” sprouting from the tip of the leaf.
This will, some day, be another Topsy Turvy.
The large green leaves are from the Topsy Turvy, while the three small ones in the middle, are from the Pachyphytum Compactum.
This will be another Donkey Tail; there are a half dozen more of these, all starting to sprout, finally, after two months, or so.
A dozen possible Aeonium, and Donkey Tails.

These are just a few of the newest additions, having begun to sprout, not long after having drowned the parent plants. What can I say?

I will keep you apprised of their continued growth. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.