We’re getting ready

For Thanksgiving; in Mexico.

It doesn’t matter where you are, the 4th Thursday in November happens all over the world. Not everyone makes the excuse to celebrate it however; their loss.

Look at how the US has embraced Cinco de Mayo, for goodness sake. That was a brain storm if ever there was one. We didn’t care what the Mexicans were celebrating, it became a day of celebration for everyone. Yay!!!!

We have a 10kg “natural” turkey arriving today before 5pm. (As it is 5:23am now, that’s only 12 hours away.) THERE ARE ONLY 2 OF US. THAT IS A 22 POUND TURKEY. Somebody, just shoot me.

HE ordered a 10k turkey, NOT doing the conversion, so we will have mole de Pavo for months. OR, those sandwiches that have the turkey, stuffing, cranberries, and gravy inside 2 pieces of bread. Either way, they’re both a win.

What’s not to like? There’s not going to be any room in the fridge, OR freezer after Thursday, for sure.

Don’t know what you’re going to be making, but, for the 2 of us, HE has paired it down to the following: the humongous turkey, (pavo- PAH-vo) brined for our first time; sweet potatoes, (camotes- ca-MO-tehs); green bean casserole, (cacerola de ejotes- ca-ser-OH-la deh ey-HO-tehs); jellied cranberry sauce, Stove Top turkey stuffing, (no translation is available at this time, however, we got both of them delivered just yesterday); there is a possibility of dinner rolls, (HE wants me to make buttermilk biscuits, as if I have nothing else to do. Oh, I’ll help you, he says); but there will definitely be pumpkin pie. Thank you Costco.

I will be making the whipped cream, (crema para batir), with my heavy whipping cream, powdered sugar, (azúcar glas- a-SUE-car glass, and yes, I have to make that too), plus, a bit of vanilla. Can’t wait.

We hope your holiday season is starting out well, and that it continues to do so throughout. We will be trying to gut the living room, making room for our few Christmas decorations, so I’ll let you know how that proceeds.

Sorry the posts have been sparse lately. There is absolutely NOTHING to do here these days. Hopefully, after the new year, I will somehow be inspired to continue on with this blog. If not daily, then, possibly weekly. Surely I can find something to write about weekly.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: today would have been Mom and Dad’s 70th wedding anniversary. Felicitaciones.