Weighing in

Woohoo! I got on the scale this morning, and, I am happy to report, I have lost sixteen pounds; seven kilos. (When losing weight, one should always weigh oneself in kilos, but, calculate the weight lost in pounds. Much more satisfactory that way/weigh! Hahaha.)

I am thinking it is the haircut! It has really given me….. something; an impetus, maybe, that helps me not eat at every opportunity. And, believe me, I have ample opportunities. Sitting in the living room, at my “office” everyday, the opportunities abound, about fifteen feet away; calling me; frequently.

The plants, and I, appear to still be in the “getting to know you” phase, and, we are both surviving, (schefflera excluded), in spite of my good intentions.

I repotted the rubber tree yesterday, and ended up removing all of the dirt surrounding the beauty. I am hoping I have not killed it. The dirt was so compacted in the vessel, I could not get the plant out; not without gentle surgical removal of the dirt, that is.

The roots, two of them, actually, are about a foot and a half long, with smaller offshoots from those two. They were so stuck in the dirt, there was no place for them to go. The pot had plenty of dirt, and space, but the dirt was like concrete. Not anymore.

I repotted it into a very pretty red fiberglass container, watered it gently, but this morning, when we got up, the beauty was drooping. As today is Monday, and Monday is watering day for all of the plants, I gave it a bit more water, but with a nip of coffee in it. Hopefully, it will perk up, here, in a bit. Fingers crossed. Here it is, as of this morning.

The two lighter green leaves are both new, since we got it, with a new leaf shoot growing straight up. Also, the top leaves are starting to regain a bit of umph, I believe. They do not look as sad as they were this morning.

So far, the Areca palms I repotted, and divided, are both doing alright; they appear so, anyway. The airplane plant, and the peace lily, in the bedroom, are both beautiful. In fact, I believe the airplane plant is developing an offshoot; let me show you.

That new portion was not there yesterday morning, but it was last night. I am anxious to see what it becomes. Of course I will show you; silly you.

Until then, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.