Website notifications

Has anyone else had enough of a full inbox of messages from websites you have never heard of, much less subscribed to?

While, I, for one, have five different email addresses, each with its own content. One is for “General” information, one is for paying bills, etc., one is for buying things online, one is for family business, and one is for all of my hobbies. To say that, at least, three of these addresses receive upwards of fifty to one hundred notifications daily, is more than I can stand.

So, how did I solve this problem? While my husband was still sleeping, recently, I spent one hour, and twenty minutes opening each, individual website, scrolling to the bottom, and, unsubscribing to each site. As I was doing this, I noticed that I had been subscribed to different sites under the “umbrella”, if you will, of a parent website.

There was no point in receiving the latest coupon/discount for Texas Roadhouse, QVC, or Grove Collaborative, as they do not ship internationally. And, when one receives this many emails in a day, something has to change. Anyway, I now have five, almost completely, empty email addresses. It is quite liberating, I will say.

Post script: a very Happy Birthday to Paty, who is just entering the next best decade of her life. Many, many more comadre. 😘