We did it

We cut my hair.

We did a descent job of it as well, if I do say so.

So says Ivan, as well.

My hair is so thin, and fine that, even using a hair trimmer, it cuts quite unevenly. Very little of my hair gets caught in the blades, causing the unevenness.

That’s where Ivan’s help comes in. He spends 5 minutes, or so, whatever the needs are, to even things out where I can’t reach.

The top I like to leave “spiky”, so, if it’s not all the same length, well, that’s how I meant it to be. 😉

So, having saved us at least $200MXN, I’m going to sit down, and have a Coronita, a 210ml. Corona Extra. It has become our favorite beer down here. The more stout beers, the ones with lots of hops, etc., are for up North. Here, a lighter beer is better.

Hope all is well with you lovely folks.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

One thought on “We did it”

  1. Hey! Thought you might include a photo of your newly cut hairdo!! 🥴
    Have a great day, miss you ♥️

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