We caved

We did.

On the evening of the new year, we did it.

We plugged in the space heater, and have been running it, in our bedroom, ever since.

On low!!!

To have that little bit of warmth, when the temperature inside, and out, begins at 7ºC, in the morning, rising to about 20ºC by midday, is bliss.

I do enjoy being a bit chilled, as I have mentioned in the past, but cold to the bone, for days on end, well, now that I’ve had a taste of warmth, there’s no going back.

My hands are still quite cold, but the rest of me is in Heavenly warmth. Thank you DeLonghi!!

Hoping everyone had a pleasant holiday season, and you are starting the new year as you mean to go on.

We are. Trying, anyway.

Ivan is a bit better these days; his cough is not quite so liquid, and his head isn’t quite so full of snot, so, progress. Me? Well, I’m me. Enough said.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves from whatever is coming.