We are back

Hello, again. We were gone, but we are back now.

Today, I came out to the living room, after putting on a pot of coffee, and saw some horrific things happening in the “garden”. We have two beautiful plants that I have begun to slowly kill, by drowning them.

I did not do it intentionally, but I have done it all the same. The peace lily, and the schefflera are drooped to almost the shelves they inhabit. They look the same as when they need watering.

I repotted half a dozen plants yesterday, and gave all of them a nice, healthy watering. Not such a good idea, I am learning. Time for research.

I got online, and found that if I changed out the soil, wet for dry, it might save them. So, that is exactly what I did. I also apologized, profusely, to them both, and told them that I hoped they would be better after a bit of resuscitation.

So far, they are still trying to recover. Hopefully, I have not dealt them a death knell. We shall see.

Until then, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.