We are back

After, at least, two weeks of moving, unpacking, and repacking, we are amongst the living.

It has been a long, hard two weeks, as we are no longer, we have discovered, painfully, forty years old. Twenty plus years makes a huge difference in one’s abilities to do strenuous activities, such as unpacking.

We do appreciate the time off, because, during our hours recuperating , we got to watch some of our blue ray movies together. That was amazing. John Wick trilogy, both Equalizer movies, with Denzel Washington, the Matrix trilogy, the whole Jason Borne series of five. Great movies, all of them.

In between all of those, we watched all of the Hobbit trilogy, and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Yes, it takes us a while to recupe.

Anyway, we are back, have high speed internet, and time. More soon. Thanks for coming back.