I went into the bathroom across the hall this morning, to make sure everything was clean, sink, toilet, shower, garbage emptied; you know the shpiel.

Much to my surprise, then dismay, I saw this.

You can see the tiny bubbles in the ceiling. They are all over, even over the shower area. That’s water, under the plaster.
This is closer to the shower area. Yikes. This all used to be pristine; completely flat; completely resurface with the renovation.
After a mere touch to the ceiling, this occurred.

No one has “insurance” on their apartments; who could afford it? We know a guy, who knows a guy, that does plaster work, and will get an estimate for his services. We will “share” this information with our “neighbor”, and ask that they pay a part of the expense. Hopefully, it does not require removing, and replacing the tiles on the wall. That may get expensive. Whatever the cost, they just had their bathroom renovated, so the burden is on them. (Thank you Jesus.)

Needless to say, our neighbor, shut off the water to the toilet in their bathroom, the one above ours, and the trickle stopped. Now, the negotiations begin.

How will it end? Tune in, and see for yourselves.

Until then, may the Force be with you. And yours, of course.

You know what to do to keep yourselves happy, healthy, and safe.

Do it.

All of it.

Plus, whatever you feel is necessary.