Wash, dry, or put away

Oh my gosh! Ivan and I were just talking about my Mom, and some of the things she did, and did not teach me- some things I had to learn elsewhere. Well, one of them was doing the dishes. My sisters, Martha and Nancy, can attest to the daily routine of having to decide whether to wash, dry, or put away. I hated all three choices but was forced to choose one almost every night. When I was extremely put out at always ending up with the “put away” choice, I would “have to go to the bathroom”. (Wise idea on my part:) Needless to say, that did not fly with Mom every night, so……. I started lying down on the two chairs on Martha’s, and my, side of the table, (mind you, the chairs were hidden from “them” because they were pushed under the table, (“them” were washing and drying the dishes), and they could not see me. When they were done with said dishes, and I was “done going to the bathroom”, I would magically appear to tell everyone how sorry I was, but I could not help it. “I had to go!!!”

Shame on me, I know. But now, here in the house of our cousins, I have the opportunity to make up for those times, in my youth, when I was a lazy young girl who did not realize the lesson her mother was trying to teach her- that of patience (my mothers name) and discipline! I am learning both now. Thanks Mom. I love and miss you every day.