
Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you are all enjoying the Christmas holiday season.

I started walking, again, outside that is, the other day.

I walked two separate times around the park, at just under 11 minutes per kilometer. Each time around is just a touch over 1 kilometer, so each round is just a bit over 11 minutes. I am trying to get in as many steps per week as I can, now that the weather is cooler. It doesn’t really matter what time of the day, or evening I walk, the temperature is moderate at worst, and cool/chilly at best. Win, win.

I had been exercising nightly for about 6 weeks without any weight loss, but with significant muscle redevelopment. That, in turn, has enabled me to walk for significantly longer lengths of time without my back muscles seizing up. Spasms still make me stop, and stretch, but I can go 3, sometimes 4 minutes at a time before having to do so. Win, win.

So, now I am going to do a few core strengthening exercises, and a daily walk, (or 2), to see if I can drop a few kilos before the holidays are in full swing.

We are, for the moment, planning to spend both Christmas, and, possibly, the New Year in Los Altos with the Garcia family. Hopefully, that will all come about by the 22nd of this month. I’ll let you know.

Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: we have both been under the weather for the past several days, so the above post is just a memory. I walked for about 3 days, then came down with a cold. Maybe next week. We’ll see.