
Ivan, and Jesús left just this morning, about 2:30am, and got home about 6:30am.

As I am typing this, it is only Monday, the 25th of July. These last few posts all took place the 23rd, 24th, and today, the 25th. Of course, you are reading them further on, but they happened all within 2 1/2 days.

I have been texting Ivan all day, but he has been trying to sleep. Just a few minutes ago, he answered the phone, and we talked for a few minutes. Amazing how only a few hours can make so much difference.

Of course I miss him; he’s my other half. However, with all of the things we forgot to bring with us, he has his work cut out for himself. Over the next few days, he needs to be on a search and seize routine; rounding up all of the necessaries we should have brought with us.


Was that too much to ask? Something warm to cover oneself from the cold wind, and driving rain?

Anyway, he got an hour or so of real sleep, and I got 3, so what more can one expect? Each was better than the nothing we’d been getting. For sure.

You already know we are here during an amazingly wet rainy season. I don’t mind; I love rain. Here, on the roof above the “tienda”, is a tin roof. When it rains, like it has been, it is so loud it is difficult to hear anything.

Brandon is trying to sit up, trying to roll over, and is so beautifully responsive to our voices, Ivan’s, and mine, it warms my heart. I will show you a quick photo of him this afternoon, as I was speaking to him, in English, of course. He doesn’t respond as strongly if I speak to him in Spanish.

He loves his Abuelita Diana.

Enough for today. My fingers are little ice cubes, trying their best to bend to the keys on the keyboard.

Did I mention it was so good to hear his voice? Amazing.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.