
So many nights we have gone without much sleep; much interrupted sleep it has been.

Not so last night, by golly. Last night, for the first time since Los Altos, I, at least slept almost the entire night. Had a bit of help with my friend twenty five milligrams of Benadryl; that friend.

It rained, quite hard, for about twenty minutes, just before I went to bed, so I got to enjoy that. (Unfortunately, I only heard one clap of thunder, much to my dismay.) Once again, however, my jumpy legs had me up, walking the floor, a half hour later; only for about thirty minutes, though. Then, back to bed for the night. Wow. What a difference a nights sleep makes.

The plants all seem to be doing well, especially now, with the new grow lights. I have some different bulbs coming; these, it appears, are for starting seedlings, which I am not doing, at the moment. After the next new set of clamp on lamps arrives, I am going to try to sprout some Genovese basil, as well as chives, cilantro, dill, oregano, and sage. I bought the seeds, on line, from somewhere, some time in the winter, hoping for warmer weather, I guess.

We do have a bit of basil at the moment, but the leaves are very small, not like the Genovese basil, which is what I am used to. In fact, they look so much like the mint, that I planted a mint plant, and, the basil plant in the same pot, when they arrived last week, thinking they were two basil plants. I did not even notice until yesterday. It made me laugh.

They have been successfully separated, each having its own pot.

Yesterday, I decided to start rooting some cuttings from most of the herb plants, as well. It is called insurance. In spite of my best efforts, I feel the need, at the moment, to have backup, just in case I lose control of the watering can again. I mean, I have spoken with Ivan about not watering the plants so much that they drown.

Insurance policy; (T-B) rosemary, mint, sage, then, in the bottom jar are basil, the tall flower is lavender, and a sprig of parsley. Not sure why I continue to grow parsley as neither of us likes it. Duh!

That was funny. He does not have any idea what is happening in the jungle. He just knows that it makes me happy, to have all of these living things around us, helping us be happy, especially in this time of semi-self incarceration.

Again, we have not been out of the apartment for at least two, maybe, even, three weeks. It gets depressing, seeing the same stuff, day in, and, day out. But, as I have said before, at least we are alive to be bored. Always a plus in my book.

Well folks, it is that time again, when I beseech all of you to stay happy, stay healthy, and stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: happy birthday to my older brother, Eric. I absolutely cannot believe how old the four of us are getting.