Update #7

Went over to the apartment the other day, and have only a couple of photos to show for it. Nothing in the kitchen, yet, as that will be the last big area to finish. But here are a few of the front door, (new handles), and the bathroom glass wall that is finished.

New front door handle.
New handle and lock inside.
Finished glass wall in the first bathroom.

All in all, things are coming along very nicely. It is taking a bit longer than we had hoped, but the work that has been done is just what we were hoping for.

I believe the kitchen cabinets may be coming the end of this week, or next. However, this Friday (Nov. 1st) is Día de los Muertos, so who knows what will happen. (Sorry about the dates, but I try to keep writing posts a week to ten days ahead of them being scheduled.)

Until we know anything more, stay warm, you folks in the North. It is still in the 70’s here during the day, and 50’s at night. I have been assured it will get cooler though. (I am not holding my breath).