
It’s time for a Brandon update, so, get ready.

He’s a real treat.

He is developing the beginnings of a real personality. See if you don’t agree.

Last week

He knows our voices, both Ivan’s, and mine. He even smiles, usually, when he hears us speaking to him. I try to speak to him in English, so he can become comfortable with it, and know it’s me. He reaches up his hand, for whatever reason, who knows? More importantly, who cares? We bend down the inch, or two required, and kiss it until he moves it away again.

He is growing so quickly, right in front of our eyes. We are so privileged to be witness to it, it almost brings tears to our eyes.

It has been many years since we were around a baby, so it is like a semi-new experience. (I hope that makes sense). Anyway, here are some photos of him, just this evening, watching soccer, (football), on the TV with his daddy.

The Jedi Master, and his second Padawan.

Going to go back to Los Altos sometime in the next few weeks, hopefully. I will have some things to tell you then. As for now, boredom is a terrible thing.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.

Even Dr Fauci has symptomatic CoVid after his initial injection, and the 3 boosters. What does this tell you people? It is/was NOT a vaccine. Vaccines are supposed to last almost a whole lifetime. Research.