Up and doing

Today is another day, full of promise, without expectations.

I, however, am spent. Not even coffee helps. I need to feel the sun for a bit. I need to breathe fresh air. I need to walk outside, just for a few minutes. I, I, I.

How sad it is to read the above paragraph. I am not normally so morose, but today seems to be my day of being so. Poor me.

I took on the obligation of caring for another person, and I will see it fulfilled. Most days, however, I just wish I was ten years younger, so I would have more energy. Taking care of someone else requires full time participation. I certainly did not realize this five years ago. I do now. I will endeavor. I will persevere. I will continue to do my best.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones. Omicron is just getting started. Do not let it finish you.