Up, and doing

For the first time in several months, (as you will know if you are “following the dream” with us,) I have had two, maybe three, nights of only slightly interrupted sleep. Yay.

Normally, we go to bed about eleven o’clock, and are up, again, about eleven thirty. We watch some computer stuff, then, back to bed, around twelve; up, again, about one am. Then, back to bed about three, sleeping, maybe, until five thirty. Up, again, then down about six. Some deep sleep after six, and, finally, up for the day around seven thirty, or eight. Ivan is usually up more often than I am, but sleeps later in the morning.

In the past few days, I have gone to bed at about the same time, getting up only once, about eleven thirty to watch a show, or two, on the computer, then back to bed about twelve thirty, sleeping until about three, not getting up, except to go to the bathroom, then, back to bed until seven thirty, at which time I have been getting up for the day.

My most productive time is in the morning, while everything is still a bit dark, but, more importantly, quiet. I really enjoy, sitting at the table, (read, the “office” 😉 having a nice big, hot cup of fresh coffee, listening to the different parts of the building, and our fellow inmates, arising to a new day.

I give a good look-over to all of the plants in the living room, and, adjust things accordingly; water this one, leave the rest alone. This morning I came out to see the heliotrope leaning over, hoping to be noticed. The water meter showed it was on the dry side, so, it got a drink. I will see if it helps.

I noticed.

We must be in one of the rainy seasons here, these past few days, as there has not been much sunshine. Fortunately for the plants, I have two new grow lights coming in the mail today. Thank you Amazon. Now, if I can find a couple of working outlets, things should improve.

That is one thing of which one can never have enough; outlets. We have counted, and, decided that we need about twice the number of outlets currently in the apartment. Not really sure how that will come about, as the walls are concrete, but, as I am not the contractor, it is not my job to figure it out. My job it to explain the need to him, and provide the necessary funding, and he can do the magic. Job done.

I am going to stop now, as I am trying to listen to a book on Audible.com, while writing this post, and, am having very little success with either. I cannot think, and type intelligibly at the same time. (Wow, that was an understatement, if ever I read one. Hahaha)

I am listening, currently, to the fourth book in the Cormoran Strike detective series, by Robert Galbraith, (a.k.a. J.K. Rowling; that is correct, the creator of Harry Potter,). If you think the HP series is creative genius, read the CS series. She goes from amazing Sy-Fy fantasy, to murder, without skipping a beat. It will keep you on your toes. Guaranteed.

Please, in the meantime, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones, will you? Thanks.

Post script: those with Amazon Prime Video, and/or, an HBO subscription, can watch the first two books as a TV series, starting with the Cuckoo’s Calling, then Lethal White. Amazing.