
I discovered, a few minutes ago, that I messed up on the pattern of the baby blanket I am knitting for baby Brandon; Jesús and Lizbeth’s baby, due in March.

So, now I have to pay the consequences of not finishing a row before stopping to make dinner. I have to unknit, or, take out the rows of incorrect stitches by knitting them off the needles, or knitting backwards. A) it is annoying, to lose the progress one has made over the last bit of time, and B) it is time consuming, and I cannot unknit and watch my show on the computer.

I have made excellent progress over the passed few days; this is a definite setback. Should not take me more than an hour to remove the five hundred plus stitches, and redo them; it is the principal, as Mom always said.

In the meantime, I hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: as it turned out, that was what the pattern looked like after the four row pattern was completed. It is not until I start row one again that it pulls the stitches into the hole that is made. I unknitted it twice before I figured it out. Why? Because, normally I knit the four rows of pattern and put it away, so when I pick it up again, I check my row counter, and continue on my merry way. A lot of needless work.