
I just discovered that I can use the Uber app down here, and have stuff delivered from all of the stores we frequent.

I don’t know how important this type of delivery service is to any of you, but for us, especially, it means not having to get the car out of the garage, which is never easy, then drive through the recently renewed CDMX traffic.

People are even going without masks outside now; finally. Depending on where we go, outside, will determine whether we wear masks. If there are a group of people having a discussion, or eating, or what have you, we wear masks. If there is no one around, nope.

I am typing this after having discovered the Uber app for CDMX. I don’t want to spend too much time on it or I’m sure to order something we probably don’t need at the moment; just to see how it works.

I’ve got to go. I can’t resist seeing what happens. I’ll let you know.

Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.