Two years ago

A friend of mine, a surgeon I used to work with, contacted me the other day regarding a picture I posted on my Instagram account.

It was this photo, of my sourdough starter, bubbling away after two months in what I called fridge prison. He wanted to know of what the photo showed. I returned his message, telling him that it was my sourdough starter. Then, I sent him a message of my own, suggesting he read some of these posts, if he had the time, and was interested. I told him I had been posting here for almost two years.

This morning, after a cup of coffee, I checked on the administrative portion of this website, and noticed that I have been posting here since my sisters birthday, two years ago; August 9, 2019.

I have not posted every day, lately, because, well, when one is incarcerated, there is, frequently, very little to relay. Am I right?

For example, yesterday, late in the afternoon, I received my package from Amazon, containing our new exercise resistance bands; complete with handles, ankle straps, door cable, and resistance bands that total one hundred and fifty pounds worth of resistance. I am telling you now, that I am going to regain some muscle mass, and strength, if it is the last thing I do.

I do believe Ivan is interested, as well. That would be fun. We used to go to the gym six days a week, for close to twenty five years. To regain some of that would be perfect. I am thinking it will help some with my back pain. Who knows?!

So, that is a perfect example of why I have not posted every day in the past year. Quarantine is a bitch.

Now that our friend Liz is probably pregnant, again, I am going to restart work on the baby blanket I am knitting for the baby. I am praying that, if she is indeed pregnant, she can deliver of a full term healthy baby. Plus, Gabi needs a sibling.

The Garcia‘s: Jesús, Lizbeth, and Gabriel (Gabi)

Enough for today. I am washing our white quilt this morning; how I ignored the discoloration on it yesterday, I cannot say. Today, it is in the washing machine.

I want to make a dozen jalapeño poppers later today; been a long time since having done so. Of course, I will have to sprinkle them with a bit of brown sugar, just to take off a bit of heat, dontcha know!

I am also going to vacuum, and mop, the floors. Since Liz left me, the floors have been vacuumed, but not mopped. The floors do not look dirty, but, after spilling a bit of water, in the dark, on our bedroom floor last night, and wiping it up with a handy face cloth, well, it definitely needs mopping.

I think I am going to need a bit of chocolate to boost the coffee caffination. The coffee, alone, does not seem to be doing much. Onward, and upward.

While I slave away, here in paradise, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Be skeptical of the CoVid vaccines they are trying to foist on you. They are unproven, and have more side effects than should be tolerated. Follow your instincts; stay away from people who are ill, wash your hands, cover your mouth, wash your hands again, be cognizant of your surroundings, you should be able to get through this and remain healthy.

Oh, and, do NOT forget to wash any washable masks you wear, frequently. We have purchased about two dozen cotton, multilayered masks that we use, and have given them to those closest to us. We put them in a bin, after we come in from the outside, and I wash them, all together, several times a week.

Thus endeth the lessen. 😉