Two years

In two more months, it will have been two years that my feather in law, Juan, came to live with Ivan and me. It hardly seems like it has been that long- so much has happened in those two years, most of which I am happy to never have to repeat. But many good things have happened as well.

Five months before coming to us.

This is how my father in law, Juan, looked 5 months before he came to us. I am not to going to go into the details about his living conditions prior to his arrival at our home, but suffice it to say, he was being heavily medicated, and had been for 3 years prior to this.

September 20, 2019. A different man.

This is Juan last month. I am pretty sure you do not think him to be 91 years old, but he is. I, personally, think he does not look much different than he did in his 70’s, which was the last time we saw him.

Well, he is two years, (almost), drug free, taking only B/P meds., an Aspirin, because of his pacemaker, and a statin for his high cholesterol. He eats anything, and everything, we put in front of him, walks almost everyday, reads the newspaper daily, and goes to bed about 11:00 pm. every night, after watching the evening news, or whatever sports happens to be on the tv.

The three of us will be moving to the apartment soon, and that will change his routine a little bit. However, we plan to walk, everyday, with him, around the parks, and maybe to the store and back. It should be a fairly easy transition, I hope, to the new surroundings. I will let you know.