Too funny

I was walking to the kitchen just now, and asked Ivan if there was anything he wanted

from the kitchen!!!!!

I had just told him that, at that time, on the 9th, I had been exercising for 12 days, and that in 2 more days I will have been exercising for 2 weeks.

Hahahahaha. He looked at me, out of the corner of his eyes, as if to say that there was no physical proof of all of my hard work.


I told him that the said proof was carefully secreted beneath this very clever layer of fat that was encompassing my body at present, but would reveal itself over the next few weeks.

I wish you could have seen the snicker in his eyes; the grin on his mouth. It was charming.

He doesn’t think I can do it. Why? Because I never have.

This time, I’m all in. I’m going to bring out the best in me so I can, once again, lead the life I want. I am so tired of being short of breath every time I take the stairs two floors down, then up. Seriously? I can, and will do better.

I just wish you could have seen his expression. It was not only priceless, but encouraging.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: this is posting on November 3rd, and I’m still exercising every day, except Sunday. Gotta rest one evening.