
Here, there is an amazing chain of restaurants called Toks that are affiliated with one of our favorite grocery stores called Soriana. Enrique introduced us, this morning, to Toks, and are we ever glad he did.

We have driven by a number of these restaurants hundreds of times over the years, and always wondered how the food tasted. I am here to tell you that it tastes great!

We all started off with a cup of Cafe Americano, which was pleasantly strong, and even more pleasantly large. I cannot remember what Enrique ate because Ivan and I had a wonderful machacada con huevo, en salsa Mexicano, con frijoles negros, y tortillas de harina. All of the aforementioned was eggs, with a special dried beef that is famous here, cooked in a small cast iron skillet with pico de gallo salsa, and black beans with manchego cheese on top. Of course I forgot to take a picture, because I was trying to convince myself I had an appetite sufficient to consume it all, but, alas, I did not. But neither did Ivan. We took our little packages home for another go later on- maybe in the morning.

Toks- a place we will be visiting, repeatedly, in the future.