
I have a lot planned for today; how much I can accomplish is yet to be seen.

Cleaning out, and, rearranging the freezer, is to be the beginning of the foray. Next, I will try to make some lovely salsa roja, then freeze it, in pint sized portions; provided there is the requisite space in said freezer. After that, it is anyone’s guess. I was going to peel, slice, and freeze the papaya we bought; we had almost a full half of it for breakfast. Job well done.

There are a couple of different salsas I wish to make; some to freeze, and, one to leave fresh. I also need to peel, cut, seal, and freeze part of a medium sized jicama we bought. I am just hoping that it will freeze well.

After that, there is the ubiquitous laundry to be done. (There is that word again. What does it mean?) It seems to be a never ending chore in this apartment; clothes needing to be taken care of. Where is the maid?

Only one more thing on my LOTTDT*- cut up, seal, and freeze the chunk of ham we bought. Costco has been making me crazy(er) these past few months. I just get used to buying a lovely chunk of ham, approximately two to two and a half kilos, once a month, and boom, they do not have it for two months. I decided that they had to make room for all of the Christmas stuff.

Oh. Before that, however, was the Kerrygold™ (Irish) butter!! They had it, for months, then- gone. What? So this time, when we went, they had both the ham, and, the butter; we bought both. Now, I have to preserve the beauties. Who knows if there will be any more before the holidays!?!

In the meantime, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

* List Of Things To Do Today 😉