
We just experienced our first earthquake, this morning.

The electricity went off at about the same time, as we noticed things swaying back and forth.

For me, I was in the kitchen, making breakfast, when all of a sudden the chimes, hanging in the laundry area, just off the kitchen, began swaying, at 180º, chiming as if there was a major storm coming.

I staggered over to the window, expecting a hard breeze, but there was nothing. I staggered back to the stove, but, as I was moving, I felt like I was tipsy, or, a sailor, trying to gain my sea legs. I was so nauseated, I felt like I would vomit. Trying to stand there, at the stove, I got so dizzy as the room was moving, back and forth. It was amazingscary, but amazing.

About two, maybe three minutes later, while the chimes were just starting to slow down, Ivan came into the kitchen, and told me that that had been an earthquake. Wow. That was enough for me. I am completely satisfied that I have experienced a quake, so we can, now, move on with our lives. Ok, let us move on with our lives. Please.

Actually, we cannot. The garage doors, on the first floor, are electric, so we are here until the electricity comes back on. Besides, Ivan said we may, possibly, have a second shock within the hour. Yippee. Cannot wait for that one.

Until that happens, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.

Post script: there was no aftershock, that we were aware of, and we did get power restored after about forty five minutes, or so. No damage was done to the condo, that we know of, and only one person was injured, unbeknownst to us.