Tis the season

The plants are thriving; I am sure it is because of the warmer weather, and the grow lights! Not to mention the new plant app. Here are some cuttings I have had in water for about two months.

You cannot see it, but there are about ten spikes from the original mother in laws tongue, or snake plant, (Sansevieria trifaciata) that I cut, and placed in a yogurt container with water. They have all developed roots, and will be planted in a container, like their parent plants. We now have ten new plants, that will, one day, make more plants. The cycle continues.

Here is what the parent plants look like now. They normally grow with a arrow shaped top edge, so when I cut them back to root for new pants, that was how I cut them. It is hard to tell which ones I trimmed, and which are untouched. Fascinating.

Coming home from Los Altos, I was able to bring back a treasure trove of veg. Just look at this. All of them are fresh from someone’s garden, or farm. Yum.

You probably know what all of the vegetables are, except, possibly, the curly green chilies, top left. Those are called chile de árbol, but these are fresh. Normally, chile de árbol is used in the dried form, so most people recognize them as a dried red chile. These, however, are fresh, so they are green. Still have the spiciness of the árbol chile, definitely, but with a difference that is inherent in its being fresh.

The yellow chile, that looks like the habanero, is a form of habanero, but a bit less killer on the Scoville scale of chile heat index. I do not remember, at the moment, what Liz called it, but we are going to try it, and see what happens.

I was able to procure some cuttings from a plant called a String-of-Pearls, (Senecio rowleyanus), which I placed in a small jar of water, just before we left for Los Altos. They already had roots about one inch in length when we returned home. Happy day. Right now, there are only two small strands, about three inches long. If I am able to acquire more cuttings, I will add them to the container. This is when I must use a bit of patience. Here is what it will look like sometime later in the year.

I am not sure what I am going to make with all of the fresh veg, though I am considering a version of ratatouille. We shall see. Until then, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.