Time off

I’m going to take some time off, a couple/few weeks, for a bit of r&r.

I’ll start posting again in September some time. Until then…

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. WASH, WASH, WASH, cover, and protect yourselves.

3 thoughts on “Time off”

  1. Ooooooohhhh noooooo!
    Hope you’re just going to have some fun or take a little trip… love you ♥️♥️

  2. Ooooooohhhh noooooo!
    Hope you’re just going to have some fun or take a little trip… love you ♥️♥️

    1. Not to worry. I am going to spend some time rebuilding my stock of posts that dwindled when I was sick. Just going through a slump, not having the energy to do anything outside. I haven’t been for a walk in the park for at least a month, maybe a bit more. I’m tired of being tired. Last night I busted out 5 posts, left them in the lineup, but am not going to post anything until I’m out of the slump. Love you so much it hurts.

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