What a week

Ok. This past week was not my best week.

Actually, it was crap.

The other day I stepped off the curb of a street I’ve stepped off hundreds of times, (please allow for a slight exaggeration on the number of step offs there), and I am fairly certain that I have, for the first time in my life, for some reason, broken a bone in my right foot. Let me tell you why I think that.


The first evening, it hurt like a hot poker had been shoved into somewhere on the right exterior aspect of my right foot. I couldn’t even figure out if it had been shoved front to back, or vice versa. It really didn’t matter on day one.

Then, I got up to use the toilet.


When I finally got back to bed, I kept trying to keep my left foot away from the right one, but NO. It was like having dental work done, and your tongue has to keep in constant contact with whatever is going on in your mouth.

There is point tenderness at the fifth metatarsal, (look it up), bruising is coming through in the same place, (it’s hard to see because my foot is swollen to the extreme), and the pain is making its way up my shin to about mid shin, sometimes, even, to my calf.

If we were in the States, I could go to a local ED, have an x-ray taken, be referred to an orthopedist, have a cast placed, and maybe even been the recipient of a cane. In the case of my thumb, probably a few stitches. I held pressure for about 45 minutes; as I’m now taking ASA 81mg daily, my clotting time is a bit longer than is normal for me. Ugh.

Here, I have no idea what to expect. I could possibly have gotten an x-ray taken without much trouble, but what follows?

So, for the past few days I have been hobbling, using my left foot for leverage, doing a lot of grunting, and groaning, and making the best of it. Ibuprofen is key. My foot is too swollen to fit my trainers, so my slippers have to do for awhile.

It has really put a crimp in my walking schedule, however. I’ve scheduled myself, on NOOM, to walk 4000 steps daily. Not like this.

For now, I am enjoying everything that NOOM is teaching me, allowing me to make competent choices, eating more food in a day, week, month than ever. I don’t mind plugging them as the information is freeing, life changing.

By the way, I’m down from 86kg to 81.9kg; the first time in at least two years. It is so much easier to move, to bend, to walk, (before the limp), to breathe. I will swear, to any of you reading this post, that I will never, ever, get that heavy again. You have my word on that. If you know anything about me, it is that I never promise anything, ever, to anyone. Period.

The other thing that happened was that I put something in the garbage bin, something inocuos, (no one cares, right?) and came up the a deep chunk cut into my left thumb.

I applied steady, heavy pressure for 10 minutes, checked it, pressure another 10 minutes, well read pressure, check, repeat for about 45 minutes until it finally stopped bleeding. Wore a bandaid for 2 days, and after 5 days, it was completely healed. (Eating healthy foods is a good thing. Taking an Aspirin a day makes the bleeding more difficult to control.)

Until next time, please, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: I did NOT break anything in my foot. As it turned out, now that I’m down a few pounds, the pain was caused by the swelling in my feet, and ankles due to sitting all day; not moving. The bruising was also due to the swelling. Now that I am down a bit more than 10 pounds, the swelling is almost completely gone, and I am able to walk around the apartment without pain, and am more active than I have been in quite some time. It will only get better from here. Sorry if