Thirty minutes later

Thirty minutes, and one hundred fifty pesos, (seven dollars), later, we have, once again, a beautifully detailed car. It always makes us smile. 🙂

We have to wash whichever vehicle we are driving currently, each week, because, for now, we have to park on the street. As the streets, here, are all tree lined, we get scads of bird poop, leaves, and powdery dirt on the car, just overnight.

Speaking of things that make me smile, one of those is my beautiful Mercedes Benz. You saw her- my silver beauty. She is so much fun to drive, (now that she has been shocked, and strutted), but, frankly, for me, I just enjoy looking at her. I cannot believe that, even after these few months, she really belongs to us (read mine). Never, except in dreamscapes, did I ever think we would be where we are, having the “things” we have, living the life we have always wanted. We are truly blessed.

I will tell you, though, that there are only a handful of “drive through” car washes here. This is full time employment for lots of young men and women. This is not getting your car washed, it get detailed every time you stop in. Do they do as good of a job as we pretend that we can do? Probably not. But they do very nice work for the money they make. When was the last time you worked, doing anything, for $7.50? The twelfth of never, most likely.

Instead of hoses, to rinse your vehicle, they have a long, three feet deep trough from which they pull buckets of water to through at your car. The only real hose they have is hooked up to some big container that sprays out foamy detergent on your car, and they, then, use industrial towels to wash the vehicle.

For the wheels, they have a sponge, that has some cleaning fluid on it, that they clean the rims, the tires, and the wells with. They use the towels on the outside of the car, from top to bottom, doing windows last.

Then, if your car is not near the front of the building, they drive it to a closer spot to vacuum the entire inside, and the trunk. While that is happening, there is another elf wiping down the inside of the car- the dash, the doors, around the door panels, even the headrests, and console.

They never do the vents, which need cleaning more than anything else in the car, but that is fine with us. We never have done those either. One of these days, when we have moved, we will take the time to do the vents, I promise.

Suffice it to say, having the car detailed every week, is bliss. Getting into a clean car everyday, and we do go somewhere everyday, is priceless.