They’re back

But they’re gone.

Most of them anyway.

What am I talking about? Our annual attack by a hundred fruit flies.

It takes them about 48 hours to set up their camp, they hunker down, and commence procreating. I have no idea, nor do I care to know, how fast this takes place, all I know is that it makes us both crazy for another 48 – 72 hours.

Last year, I discovered Off™, the spray we used as kids to keep bugs away. Down here it’s our only option, that I can find, to kill the buggers.

I had enough left from last year’s can to start the destruction of their troops, but had to order 2 more containers; one to finish the job, and the 2nd for back up.

All this made me reevaluate how we process our organic waste in the kitchen. I made a significant change.

When we first moved into the apartment I bought 2 containers that hang on the cupboard doors, and were lined with compostable bags. We put the bags into a 5 gallon bucket, and took the bucket downstairs to be emptied into the large garbage bin every week, sometimes twice a week.

It only takes 1, or probably 2, to find that Nirvana, and start the whole troop formation anew.

Yesterday, I emptied a coffee can of decaf grounds into a large zip closing bag, and put a small decomposable bag inside it, and closed the lid.


Not sure why it took me 4 years to come up with that one. But I did, and that should take care of the fly problem. We’ll see.

As an aside, we are both back to ourselves, getting stronger every day. Thanks for your prayers, and concern.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. WASH, WASH, WASH, cover, and protect yourselves.

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