They are alive, for the most part

Yes, the peace lily, and the schefflera are alive. Well, the lily, is, at least. The schefflera is alive, but, still in recovery, in guarded condition.

I bought a Houseplant Survival Manual that is a few years old, but fits my needs nicely. It did not get here until a few days ago. In it, I learned that the schefflera prefers to be on the dry side, and not drowned. To save it, I took it out of the pot, and am allowing it to dry out on newspaper, and more potting soil. Poor thing.

I learned that one must water ones indoor plants with the same water that one drinks. I did not know that, and had been watering everything with the water from the faucet. Most of the herbs have died; they did not care for icky water, is my guess. Only the chives have survived.

Now that I have started watering less, and using the bottled water we buy, things are looking up. Better than that, I have moved the large philodendrons into the office, and the spider plant and peace lily to our bedroom. That should help considerably, as they will not be where I can see them all day, and want to make sure they have enough water. (Read, drown them.)

Why not just purchase a water meter, you ask? I have. It will not arrive until mid May; must be coming from China, via India.

Speaking of India, have you read, or heard, how awful the virus is affecting them? We read, here, that they are doubling up patients, in hospitals, two to a bed. How horrible for them.

Please, do not wait to see how they fare; prevention is worth our time, and effort. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.