There it was

It was 4:45pm one day towards the end of last month, and I was sitting in front of my computer, just as I am at the moment.

It was fairly dark in the room, as it had been overcast the entire day, when, out of nowhere came the sound of distant thunder. Then again, only a few minutes later. Hallelujah! It’s going to rain again.

I’m here to tell you that it has rained, or sprinkled, as I said a few posts back, 5 out of 7 days these past 2-3 weeks. As I was still recovering from my blasted diarrhea, and bladder spasms at that time, I had yet to venture across the street to the park.

When I do though, I’ll show you what lovely results have to have occurred whilst I’ve been at home.

Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.