Then, there was bread

I told you I was back into bread baking.

The first loaf was awesome, we both said so. The second loaf looked amazing, not sure of the taste as yet.

First loaf. Soft, light texture, great taste.
Second loaf on the left, first on the right.

We haven’t tried the second loaf yet, but I don’t think he is going to like it much. It looks too wheaty. The one on the right looks more WonderBready, and that’s the only bread he really likes, or eats. Here that type of bread is called Pan Bimbo.

Good thing I like sandwiches, huh!?

Until next we meet, stay happy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: the second loaf was “ok”, nothing to write home about, and, as I had just started walking every day shortly after that loaf, it ended up like this.

Sorry this is so out of focus; don’t know why. Croutons before they’re croutons, then the final product.