The week as it was

I have been reading, lately, that the Midwest, where we lived the bulk of our lives, is being inundated with snow. Possibly getting over a foot of snow this evening.

It appears California is getting it as well; more than 6 feet of snow in the Northern part of the state in less than a couple of days.

Loved looking at it, hated shoveling, and driving in it. No snow here folks, in case you were looking to move somewhere without snow. 😉

On another “front”, my SS payments have been temporarily suspended due entirely to my slovenliness.

There is an official government-driven form that has to be signed, “in ink” it says on the instructions, and returned to Pennsylvania each year. It lets them know if my status here in Mexico has changed in any way; divorced, moved, deceased, you get the idea.

I received the first letter a few months back, scanned it to my SIL, who sent it on to PA. However, unbeknownst to me, it has to be the original document, not a copy. It was not accepted.

I received the second notice mid February, but didn’t return it either. The instructions said to sign, and date it, then mail it back to the US Embassy here in CDMX.

Not in this lifetime. I have never mailed anything here in Mexico, and am not going to start by mailing this form. The form I received stated it was sent in October!!!! No way.

I called the emergency number provided on the Embassy website, during which I was told I could get in touch with the SSA if I gave them my phone number. I did that, and the gentleman sent me a text with the FBU, Federal Benefits USA, info so I could communicate with the department directly.

I texted them, they replied that I, indeed, need to mail it to them. I replied to them that I preferred to bring it directly to them, and hand it to someone in the department, and was that possible. They replied that it is absolutely possible, to come between 8am-10am Mon-Fri, print this message, and bring it with me, and Bob’s your uncle.

I have printed the message, signed the form, and if we can scrape up enough cash for a taxi, will head down there tomorrow,or Monday.

Have I mentioned before how much I dislike going to the Embassy? It’s nothing like they show in the movies.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves. Drive carefully with the hazardous conditions, and be careful shoveling the snow. Hire the kid down the block.

Post script: I have been under such a mountain of stress, having 2/3 of our income suspended due to my negligence, that I didn’t realize, until just now, that I have a small group of cold sores on the outside left corner of my bottom lip. Sure wish I could find my Abreva. They really hurt.