The sweet smell

of wet dirt.

I cannot tell you how wonderful is the smell of freshly watered soil. It was the most motivating factor when tending my gardens back in the US.

Now, I have it here, in the living room.

The smell is, for me, ambrosia. Intoxicating. Sensual. Bewildering, all at the same time.

When I water the few plants that are left in the apartment, they give off the most precious, earthy, heady aroma of which I have never tired.

It is, in all actuality, an aroma, a smell that I find I cannot live without. It fulfills me. It makes me part of who I am.

It wasn’t until recently, while sitting in the living room, at my newest “office space”, having watered the plants only moments ago, that I noticed the scent of which I speak.

It is a scent that those, who have not gardened, in any form, do not know. It is a scent that I have come to love, and anticipate when it is time to water my plants here, in the apartment.

And when I do, my senses come alive. It is a smell, an aroma that can’t be imitated, or

Well, it’s probably why I kill all of my plants- from overwatering! Not funny, but probably true. Unfortunately for the plants, but so good for me.

Until next time, please, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.