The steam cleaner

Not the miracle I had hoped for.

But not bad.

I guess my expectations are too high these days.

It cleaned the stovetop, the grill on the stovetop, and the kitchen sink amazingly well. The filters on the exhaust fan, not so much. I should have taken pictures.

It melted the grease on the top side, only to have it congeal on the back side. Yuck!!!

I ended up using my tried, and true method of filter cleaning by putting my large sheet pan in the kitchen sink, adding about a teaspoon of Dawn dish washing liquid, and 2L of boiling hot water from my electric kettle.

I let that sit for about 15 minutes, (otherwise it burns my hands), then used a scrub brush to easily brush off the grease. Rinsed with water, and back up it went.

The steam cleaner has its purposes, I’m sure. I just haven’t found out what they are just yet. Though, I must say, being able to lift off the grate on top of the stove, and not have a greasy mess on my hand is a win.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: having used the steamer on the stove grates, it made me realize that almost all of the small, black rubber tips that protect the stove from the grate tops are gone. Time to order replacements.