The start of a new month

September 1st, and I do not have much to report on this morning. The weather here is a bit warmer than I would expect, however, it is only warm to Ivan and me! Everyone else is fully clad, as I said before, mostly with a down vest, but everyone has long pants and long sleeves. Maybe, someday, we too, will be cold. Who can say?!

It makes me chuckle, when we are driving around town, to see all of the popular logos from the US- McDonald’s, Coke and Pepsi, Pizza Hut, Dominos Pizza, etc. You cannot go 1/2 KM. without seeing a sign like the aforementioned, or one similar. As visual porn goes, CDMX is full to brimming over with visual stimuli. Once you move your eyes away from the signage, and refocus on the landscape around you, all of that, sort of, dies away. The lush greenery on every street is constantly surprising. As we had a luscious lawn, with beautiful trees up North, it is rare to see a “yard” with the same. Most homes have a small green space in the front, some even have a bit in the back, but, as most neighborhoods have a common wall between homes, there are very few “side” spaces. Unless you have a corner lot- then there might be room.

Before you envision homes, one on top of the next, and everyone’s house looking the same, first envision a subdivision locally, or, worse yet, those additions in major cities, where a contractor builds 2 or 3 versions of the same house. With all of the millions of homes here, it is actually difficult to find 2 even similar, much less identical. Now, mind you, we have not driven to every neighborhood here, but of the routes we normally take on a day, or when we want to “explore”, (read took the wrong turn), each house is completely different. Who, and how, I have not discovered yet. But I will try.

It is good to have goals. 😉