The Park

We have been walking, now, for the past three days. Yesterday, and today, we walked twice- two times during the day, and twice around the park. Twice around turns out to be about one point four three kilometers- more than we have walked in almost twelve months.

And, guess what? The cold weather is gone already. What is up with that, I ask you? it is in the low eighties by about two in the afternoon. Fortunately, after our afternoon walk, when we get in to the condo, it is only about seventy degrees, almost like air conditioning. Hahaha!

It will be a few more weeks, more than likely, before I will be able to fit into my shorts, so until then, it is leggings for me. Too bad I cannot lose more weight by sweating. (I do not sweat that much.)

Walking around the park, the air is so fresh. We take a deep breath, and it smells like Springtime. it is scattered with little dogs, all running around, yipping, and playing around with each other- none of them on a leash, and, none seem to be the least bit aggressive, or mean to each other. It is so much fun to watch them. It looks like they have all arrived on their play date, and are making the most of every minute, before their humans take them away from the group.

There are three different areas with brightly colored exercise equipment, almost always being used by someone, old, young, male, female. One of these areas, however, is strictly for children, which, again, is usually occupied with several families, swinging, sliding down the slides, and others, playing on the castle. (It looks like a small castle anyway).

There is an area that appears to be sunken, like an area for skateboarding, or some other similar activity. We have not, yet, left the path to investigate. When I looked up the park on Google Maps, the pictures showed a small area filled with water, and some fowl- I do not remember if they were ducks, or geese, as both reside in Mexico. I will let you know when I find out, though.

Laughter, and smiles, and sometimes, some little one, crying, all abound in the Park.