The Moons, and Pompadour

I have found another amazing YouTube channel called, obviously, The Moons.

They are a family of 6 from England that have moved to France, and enjoy a lifestyle they call magical.

They maintain a stable of retired champion jumping horses, called Legacy of Legends. The horses they stable are all over 20 years old, and would have been destroyed when they were no longer of any use, but the Moons adopt them, or buy some of them, and care for them until they either go to another owner, or die.

They are trying to get the country of France to pass legislature to protect these horses from being abandoned, or sent to the meat plant. They want to get government funding, I believe, to help with the maintenance of the horses, as well. It is all in the government red tape, just like in any country in the world.

They have tons of other animals, plus a crow named Boo that has adopted them. She comes when they call her name, she hangs around with the whole family, and is an absolute treat to watch. She’s wild, sleeps, eats, and fends for herself outside, but is part of the family.

Nick Moon, known as Daddy Moon, is an equestrian, a professional show jumper, and his wife, Jenny (Mommy), Moon, worked in the stables, but now, is a teddy bear creator, and restorer. People, from all over the world, send her their old, beaten up teddy bears to restore; she restores them, and returns them to their homes.

For Daddy Moon, people all over the world, let him know of old horses, retired professionals, being sent to slaughter at various “meat farms”, to be made into cheap meat, sold to whomever wants it.

Jenny finds bears at local rumble sales, or brocantes, (broh-CONTS) as they’re called in France, repairs them, and keeps them in what she calls her bear room. It is a room filled with anything she has collected over the years, some having been repaired by her, and other things that are just whimsical, that she likes to have around her, and the family. It’s the room that has all of her old, antique supplies, and tools to fix the bears that have come her way.

Let me show you a few photos of the bear, Pompadour, who was pretty beaten up when she found him. Just look at the transformation.

Jenny with Pompadour, “before”; the eyes are plastic, the nose is almost gone, and he has no ears.
You can see that Pompadour had prior “surgery” on his ears as well. Someone tried to adapt the area by stitching, and glueing his “ears”.
Here he is with new “boot button” eyes, and brand new ears. Almost done.
Look at that face. Isn’t that amazing? He was auctioned off, and sent to his new home, somewhere in England.

Jenny still has to redo his “claws”, if you will; you can see a bit of dark thread on his left paw, but that will be in another video. This video was shot a year ago; I’m just getting started on their channel.

Anyway, the parents try to keep the magic alive in the lives of their kids, and it’s wonderful to watch.

I hope you’ll take a minute, and see what they get up to.

Until next we meet, enjoy the magic in your life, and stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

One thought on “The Moons, and Pompadour”

  1. I have started watching!! Thanks for sharing!!!
    If you’re on Netflix watch a show called Locke and Key!! It is magical and suspenseful and unfortunately only 3 seasons tho.
    Also congratulations on your weight loss!!! You are looking good 💕love you

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